Saturday, September 27, 2008

Arr! Captured "Ukrainian" Vessel Carrying Tanks Is US-Owned

There are reports out there that people aboard the Ukrainian vessel captured by pirates have contacted the website, which seems to be some kind of tabloid. They have an interview up which claims the vessel is American-owned. My Russian is next to nothing, so here's the important part in Russian and the automated translation:

- Я не уверен, я не знаю точную цену. Они будут обсуждать между их главарем и солдатами. Я не уверен, что они хотят связываться с московским управлением. На этот момент я уже разговаривал с американским хозяином нашего судна. Он спрашивал меня о ситуации на борту. Я рассказал ему, что пока все в норме. В команде 21 человек, а полное число людей на борту - 35 (следовательно, пиратов на судне - 14).

Сейчас мы бросили якорь около берегов Сомали. Место называется Хобио. Рядом также стоят еще два судна - в той же ситуации. Они хотят связаться с владельцем судна.

- I am not sure I do not know the exact price. They will discuss among their leaders and soldiers. I'm not sure they want to communicate with Moscow's control. At this point I have talked with the American master of the vessel. He asked me about the situation on board. I told him that until everything is normal. In the team of 21 people, and the total number of people on board - 35 (hence the pirates on board - 14).

Now we drop anchor near the coast of Somalia. The place is called Hobio. Several also face a further two vessels - in the same situation. They want to contact the owner of the vessel.


I'm pretty sure this means the owner is an American-- the transliteration is "Na etot moment ya uzhe razgovarival s amerikanskim khozyainom nashevo sudna." My dictionary says "khozyain", here in the dative case modified by "amerikanskiy", means "owner", and that "sudna", here in the genitive case modified by "nash", meaning "our", means "vessel". As far as I can tell the translation checks out.

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